Wednesday, October 22, 2008


When I was a sophomore in college, I decided that instead of continuing to be a resident advisor in my dorm the next year, I would find a job in a biochemistry research lab on my campus. I wanted to get some hands on experience with science and have something distinctive to put on my resume when I graduated. Working in a research lab probably changed my life. I met so many people and became friends with people from all over the world... Chinese, Indian, Columbian, Nigerian, British, Vietnamese, Russian, Ukrainian. I have learned so much from these friendships and I would love sitting in the lab chatting and getting to know them. Deciding to work in a research lab was one of the best decision I made in college.

However, something I noticed from all this interaction with people from different countries is they can all speak atleast 2 languages - English and their native tongue. Something I realized really quick was I can only speak 1 language - English. What do you call someone who can speak 2 languages? Bilingual. What do you call someone who can speak 1 language? American. Ughhhhh.

This past summer I became really good friends with an amazing individual who is from Venezuela. And speaks Spanish and English fluently. And I still can only speak English. So I'm finally ready to do something about it. I'm going to learn a second language. It's something I want to do before I die. I actually want to learn 2 languages but I won't get ahead of myself. I've been halfheartedly studying Spanish since this summer but I want to be more devoted to it and this blog is gonna help. My Venezuelan friend's mother suggested I learn one word a day and one sentence a week. I'm gonna challenge myself a bit more and do one noun a day and one verb a day. So every day (hopefully) I will have a post with my words and then once a week I will have a post with my sentence. I'm excited! If you keep up with this and see I'm slacking, get on me!

Day 1:

n. lluvia - rain (because it's pouring as I write this)
v. aprender - to learn

Estoy aprendiendo español en la lluvia.
I am learning spanish in the rain. :)

1 comment:

Andrea_Benson said...

in french to learn is apprendre!

so close! can't wait to see week!!!!!!!!