I finished the half-marathon!
13.1 miles
2 hours, 18 minutes
10:34 min/mile
One of the best things I have EVER done! It was hard, challenging and painful but so worth every minute! The first 6 miles I ran with my roommate and we ran about an 11 min/mile keeping up the run 4 minutes, walk 1 minute routine. But at 6 miles her dad jumped in and finished the rest with her. I decided I wanted to go faster and ran the rest of the race without stopping for walking breaks! It was incredible because I didn't train for that! The last mile and a half were the hardest and I really wanted to stop but I saw a sign that pushed me through:
The pain is temporary. The pride lasts forever.
It hurt really bad but I knew it would go away (and it has) and the sense of accomplishment that I finished will last forever. I am proud of what I did. I'm not a runner, never have been and still dont consider myself one. But I prayed before, during and after my race and know it puts a smile on God's face to see one of his children work hard and attain something they want so badly.
New goal: Full marathon Jan 2010!
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