On Thursday night, at our co-ed Bible study, my roommate Hubs was talking to her friend Mitchell who really enjoyed the cake she brought to share. She mentioned she had never had his cooking, because he loves to cook. He immediately was like, ok, breakfast at your house Saturday morning. She kinda laughed but he was serious. I was standing near by so he asked me if I was gonna be home too. And then he said he was making Monkey Bread!!! A few other guys overheard and said they were coming too and our good friend Kali.
So on Saturday morning at 9:30, Mitchell and Kali show up with a big plastic tub of his pancake griddle, gallon of milk, juice and everything he needed to cook us breakfast. Topher and Kenny came as well and ordered us out of the kitchen while they cooked. The food was amazing! They did such an incredible job. The 7 of us enoyed eating together, laughing, talking and playing "Make it or Break it". And they cleaned up after themselves! It really was the coolest act of service I've ever received. I have some pretty awesome friends! :)