Back in July, my roommates and I signed up to run the half-marathon on January 18, 2009. A full marathon is 26 miles and a half is only 13. But that's still a lot of yardage between the start line and the finish line. We decided to do a run/walk training program and that has turned out to be a very good idea. :)
The program basically has us running twice a week, cross training twice a week and then doing a big run on the weekend. So for the running during the week, I've been doing run 4 minutes, walk 2 minutes for about 40-50 minutes. Cross training for 30-40 minutes and I've chosen to swim for my cross training. And then yesterday I ran/walked 6 miles in about an hour! Let's keep in mind that I have not consistently worked out since I was in high school on the swim team! From the jogging to the swimming, I have found that I have lost a LOT of muscle. I didn't even know it was happening although it makes perfect sense, but I didn't know how much I had lost. But it doesn't discourage me, it makes me want it even more. Even though what I can do in the water now is embarrasing compared to what I used to be able to, I will know how far I have come when I gain it back. It's exciting to be back in the workout routine. I've tried several times throughout college and post-college but for the first time, I have consistently been running since July. And now I'm swimming again!
Just to show how long it's been since I've been in the water... I had 2 pairs of Swedish goggles left over from previous years and the rubber straps were so worn down and stiff that BOTH of them broke the first time I got in the water. It was embarrassing but luckily no one else was in the pool at the time. So first thing on the to-do list is buy new goggles! And swim suits to follow. :)
Audrey is turning TEN!
6 years ago
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