This morning it rained. When it rains, traffic is so much worse. I understand when it is storming or raining really heavy that we should drive slower and therefore, traffic would be heavier. But when it's just merely sprinkling? So naturally, I wasn't in the best of moods because I already sit in traffic every day commuting from the northwest side of Houston to the medical center. Luckily, KSBJ, the Christian radio station in Houston was on and playing music that I like and I had my coffee so it wasn't that bad. There's one part of my commute that I take directly into the sunrise. This time of year, right before 7am, the sun is just starting to light up the sky and if I'm running a little late I can see it start to peek up above the horizon. Because I drive the same route everyday, I see all kinds of sunrises... ones when there isnt a cloud in the sky and the sun shines in all it's glory, completely uninhibited, ones when there are beautiful white clouds to deflect the light into an array of colors and ones like today where it's dark and gray but the sun still peeks around reminding me that it will always rise. It definitely starts my day right because each time I'm reminded of God's faithfulness and his creativity in making such a beautiful place for us here on earth. Even though waking up so early isn't fun most days, I can be thankful because it puts me on the right road at the right time to see one of the ways God reveals himself to us.
PS: I took this picture in Galveston last summer when I woke up super early and drove to the beach with some friends to watch the sun rise over the water. Isn't it beautiful? :)
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