Yesterday, I turned 24. It was one of the most exciting birthdays I've had for awhile. My cousin, Andrea came in to visit for the weekend and together with my roommates, planned a fun weekend.
Friday night was the go out and celebrate night and the 4 of us got dressed up and went to eat at Onion Creek in the Heights. Meagan and I got burgers, Hubs a chicken salad sandwhich and Andrea had a pizza. The food was amazing and not expensive and the atmosphere was fun. We then drove to downtown to the Aquarium to check out Latin Beats. That turned out to be not what we expected but we enjoyed watching people dance and listening to the band. I really want to learn to dance like that but I'm just not brave enough to get out there for my first try with tons of eyes on me. (hey, look at that gringa try to dance) :P
On Saturday, Andrea, Meagan and I woke up and made some pancakes and fruit salad and talked and ate on our backporch. It was a nice, slow morning that I rarely get. Andrea and I then made it up to the pool to watch Billy and Liddy swim in their weekend-long swim meet. After cheering them on and playing cards on the school's cafeteria floor, we grabbed some Chick-fil-A and went to see The Proposal. Not my favortie movie of all time but definitely another great chick flick. That night my brother and his fiance (Meagan's sister) came over and the 5 of us cooked and ate this amazing Chicken Scampolini with salad and a glass of wine. Yummm. Mitchell came over later with Marble Slab ice cream and we had a good rest of the evening talking, laughing and going for a walk around the lake.
After midnight, "Happy Birthday" text messages and phone calls came in that truly made me feel so special. Sunday, my mom invited family and friends over for a birthday brunch and I got to have cake and open presents. I got some great gifts. Post on that later. The afternoon was pretty chill and eventually my mom, Andrea and I went out and did some shopping. We ended up at the swim meet again to watch Billy swim his last ever competitive swim race! He did amazing and we were so proud of him! And Liddy's relay team broke a Ponderosa record - huge deal!! I have some pretty stellar siblings! :) And that concludes my birthday weekend. Full of friends, family and good times.
I do have to point out though that there were so many friends that took a second to send me a text message, Facebook message or call me and that really meant the world to me. Just to know you care, or someone cares really makes a world of difference. It was a weekend in which I truly felt LOVED and am so thankful to be blessed with amazing friends and family. THANK YOU! I can't say it enough. :)
Audrey is turning TEN!
6 years ago