"The Path to the Cross is an interactive Easter drama depicting Jesus' life as He journeyed through Jerusalem in His final days. "The Path to the Cross gives us an opportunity to share the Easter Story with hundreds of people," said Pastor Ed Hogan. Scenes included are Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the garden of Gethsemane, Herod's trial, and the crucifixion. We hope the Houston community will experience the fourth annual Path to the Cross as an effort to reach across faiths in the worship of Christ."
I get to act in the garden/trial/peter's denial scene. I'll be accusing Peter of being a disciple and after he denies it 3 times, the rooster crows. Here's my lines:
"Are you one of the disciples?"
"Are you sure you are not one of the disciples? Your Galilean accent betrays you!"
"I know you are. I saw you in the garden with Jesus!"